Workshop I: Community blockchains – platforms, node operators and intermediaries
Which roles are required in non-public blockchain infrastructures?
Most blockchain applications from the business environment use private networks as infrastructure for the creation of a consortium or access-restricted blockchain. The reasons for this include the possibility to operate the blockchain nodes with low energy consumption and the better scalability of the transactions. With this approach, however, new questions arise for which there are no conclusive answers yet and which will be discussed in the workshop:
How is the technical administration of the network designed and how can it be seamlessly linked to the organizational framework? What recommendations are there for the governance of the network and in what legal form should the network be organized? Do permissioned blockchains correspond to the basic idea of the blockchain approach or do they not just lead to a new form of intermediaries? These and other questions will be discussed in the workshop from a technical, organisational and legal point of view.